Thursday, October 9, 2008

A Good Blogger Is Hard to Find


If I exhibit the tendencies of a delinquent, I only do so because I spend most of my non-writing desk-time foraging for scraps of informational nourishment pertaining to the life of the writer, publishing, and whatever else. (My unemployed alter-ego is knee-deep in a screenplay, a novel, two short stories and his own music. I don't know how he gets any sleep.) And, like a meadow vole, I stuff myself and my snow tunnels with these morsels and forget--at least at times--to dispense them among my good friends as I should. Consequently, here are two entrées for your edification.

-Catalyst Blogger
Run by Jennifer Williamson, owner of Catalyst Writing Services, Catalyst Blogger speaks directly to freelancers, indirectly to every writer. In her last five articles, she's addressed
-writing in a sagging economy
-the AWAI (American Writers and Artists Institute)
-whether being "nice" when it comes to professional writing and business matters is a crock
-ghostwriting, and
-the downside of $5 freelance articles.
Whether you're a freelancer to help with the bills or a full-fledged professional writer, you'll find something worthwhile here.

-Poets & Writers
A non-profit founded in 1970 that publishes Poets & Writers Magazine. The Speakeasy forum bursts with advice, perspectives and even work exchanged between writers, editors, and agents. They run contests, such as the Maureen Egen Writers Exchange Award, that should make writers salivate like you do on the train home for whatever's in the house that you don't have to cook. It radiates goodwill toward all writers, and I can think of no itch writers more desperately want scratched.

Also, I will take this opportunity to plug Creative Byline's Facebook page, because we work hard at keeping it fresh and heart-healthy for you & yours 24/7.